3 More Powerful Foods Lose Weight Than Slimming Drugs

Published September 22, 2017
3 More Powerful Foods Lose Weight Than Slimming Drugs
You who want to lose weight must now be trying various ways to get the body shape as you wish, including taking slimming drugs. Stop taking slimming drugs! These 3 foods are more powerful to lose weight than slimming drugs that cost that exorbitant.

Yes, there are many ways to slim body, but you should avoid an instant way to take slimming drugs. Choose a healthy diet, so that your body was not tormented later.

Remember, getting a slim body that needs a process. So, you should replace your slimming drugs with 3 foods that can be efficacious to lose weight you are as reported from Huffingtonpost.com.

3 More Powerful Foods Lose Weight Than Slimming Drugs

1. Avocado

You who love breakfast with bread can add a piece of avocado to your piece of bread. Healthy fats and fiber contained in the avocado make your stomach filled for longer, which means you are not easy to starve.

2. Apple

The fruit of this one of course everyone would like. Well, good for you who like apples, you can also successful diet ya. Water content and fiber in the apple can make us full longer. Even the journal Appetite says that eating habits of apples or apple juice before eating can make a person eat fewer calories.

3. Spinach Salad

Based on a recent study the Journal of The American College of Nutrition spinach contains thylakoid membranes that produce a satiety hormone. So, you can eat spinach salad as an appetizer, so you do not eat too much on the main course.

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