Powerful! Lower Cholesterol With Fiber

Published September 26, 2017
Powerful! Lower Cholesterol With Fiber
Coronary heart disease is known as the number one cause of human killers. There are several risk factors that cause the disease. One of them is high blood cholesterol levels.

Based on various studies, fiber is found to be beneficial in helping to lower your cholesterol levels.

In quotation from KlikDokter, here are some foods that proven to lower cholesterol:
Powerful! Lower Cholesterol With Fiber

Soluble Fiber

Fiber is a food that can not be digested by our body, so almost most of the fiber comes out in the form of intact through the feces.

Fiber is made up of two types, namely soluble fiber (in water) and insoluble fiber. Some studies have found that soluble fiber is beneficial in helping to lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Soluble fiber works by inhibiting the absorption of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol into the body.

By adding 5-10 grams of fiber to the diet every day, it is estimated that your LDL may drop by 5%. Not bad, is it?

Menu for you

Then, what foods should you consume to get these healthy benefits?

There are some foods that are a source of soluble fiber. For example: oatmeal, beans, apples, pears, oranges, avocados, and yams.

As a shadow, 1.5 cups of oatmeal contains 6 grams of fiber, one banana contains 4 grams of fiber, half a cup of nuts contains 2-3.5 grams of fiber, half an avocado contains 4.6 grams of fiber, one orange contains 1 , 8 grams soluble fiber, and one pear containing 1.5 grams soluble fiber.

Still not enough

Despite having excellent health benefits, on average there are still many people who have not met their daily fiber requirements.

According to statistical data, the average adult consumes only 15 grams of fiber a day. Meanwhile, the recommended daily requirement is 30 grams for women and 35 grams for men. In order for a healthy and cholesterol-free body, do not forget to add fiber to your daily menu, okay!

Staying Healthy and Free Moving

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