5 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Soda Diet

Published September 23, 2017
5 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Soda Diet
If you are a person who consume diet soda to reduce caloric intake, you should immediately stop consuming the drink and replace it with other healthy drinks. Although the name is diet soda, it turns out the drink also contains artificial sweeteners.

Worse, the artificial sweetener will actually make you continue to feel hungry and eat more sweet foods. In addition to those things, diet soda also has many negative impacts to your health.
5 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Soda Diet

Before too far, it is better to replace and leave the soda diet drink that you often consume do not get the risk of the following dangerous diseases.

5 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Soda Diet

1. Diabetes

Artificial sweeteners in soda will disrupt the metabolic system that will make you always want to eat sweet foods, then damage the sensitivity of insulin and cause diabetes.

2. Dehydration

Soft drinks have diuretic properties that make you become more frequent urination. So if you are thirsty do not drink soda, because it will not eliminate thirst but instead remove the water reserves in the body.

3. Risk of Heart and Kidney Disease

Many studies show that drinking diet soda can make a person at higher risk of suffering from kidney function and heart attack.

4. Bone Damage

These soda drinks contain high phosphoric acids that absorb calcium in the bones and cause damage, osteoporosis and so on.

5. Overweight

Growing weight is one effect if you do not stop drinking diet soda, because this drink will actually make you have the desire to eat more.

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