Need Money? Do 7 Tips for Success CPA Marketing

What is CPA?
CPA stands for “Cost Per Action.”
CPA is one of the popular ways of making money on the internet. CPA marketing is very simple: you get paid when someone clicks on your affiliate link and completes an action.
That action could be:
- Providing an email address
- Signing up for a free trial of a product
- Downloading a mobile app
- Requesting a quote
CPA is easier because you’ll earn money even if a product is not sold.
Unlike affiliate marketing where somebody must purchase a product for you to receive commissions.
CPA model works on lead generation. Many big companies are willing to pay big commissions for generating targeted leads.
Your job is just to get them a lead; they will do rest of the work for generating a sale from those leads.
Suitable For -
1. People who love to talk, write, explain and have the ability to persuade.
2. Best for people who already own a blog or website with some daily traffic.
Skills Required -
1. Ability to promote CPA affiliate links using social media, videos, forum marketing, paid ads, etc.
2. Ability to persuade and convince people through valid argument and explanation.
Time Required For Starting CPA Marketing -
To start CPA marketing and earn commissions you need find an offer to promote, then get accepted by a CPA network.
You can find an offer almost instantly but getting accepted into a CPA network might take a week.
But, once accepted you could immediately start promoting an offer of your wish.
Tips -
1. Find different offers - Your first step here will be to find different CPA offers available in the market.
And the best way to dig them out is to visit and
Both these sites work as search engines for finding CPA offers. They aggregate offers from all the reputed CPA networks available worldwide.
2. Select your perfect offer - If you already own a blog in any particular niche then select an offer related to that niche. Make sure it is relevant to your blog and audience.
For e.g. If your blog talks about iOS app gaming, then a CPA offer which pays you when somebody installs an iOS game app would be perfect for you.
3. Getting accepted - Believe or not but getting accepted into CPA networks has become a huge stumbling block for most of the marketers.
Most of the CPA networks nowadays implement tough scrutiny to ensure that only high quality and legitimate marketers get access to their offers.
Scrutiny is to prevent any fraud or any illegal activity.
Following are few tips which will help you to get in:
Be honest - CPA networks filter out scammers and not the legitimate people. So make sure the information you provide is real and isn’t shady. Don’t try to trick them.
Know you offer - If you already know what offer you want to promote then, it’s a great plus point. You’ll be asked about it when you’ll fill the application.
It shows them that you are the one with a plan.
Know your traffic sources - While filling your application, you’ll be asked about your traffic sources. So you must know how people are going to reach your offer.
Are you going to promote it through email marketing, mobile ads, writing an article on a blog or anything else, you must clearly mention it.
4. Optimize your blog - Once you’ve joined a network and selected your CPA offer; it’s the time to promote it on your blog. The best way to do this to integrate your affiliate links in the blog’s content.
It is so far the best way to get higher click thru rates. Another way is you can place banners either on in the header or sidebar section.
Always do some experiments and try to optimize your link placement to maximize your click thru rates, but while doing so ensure that you are damaging your blog’s user experience.
How To Monetize -
Commissions for CPA offers usually range from $0.10 to $10 per action. In some niches such as Insurance, Attorney, Antivirus Software it can go upto $50 per action.
Imagine if you could get ten people to download a trial version of an antivirus software which pays you $50 per install, you’ll earn $500 without even selling anything.
The commissions offered are decided based on the factors such as niche, back end product cost, product demand and supply, targeted country and so on.
To earn maximum commissions, it is best that you choose offers which are relevant to your audience and pay higher commissions.
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